• Student submitted the Quiz 9 minutes ago

    Quiz ,فرمان رسول:درس ہشتم : معروضی سوالات was submitted by student Rabia Abid

  • Instructor evaluated Quiz for student 9 minutes ago

    Student Rabia Abid got 6 out of 10 in Quiz ,فرمان رسول:درس ہشتم : معروضی سوالات

  • Student started a quiz 12 minutes ago

    Student Rabia Abid started the quiz ,فرمان رسول:درس ہشتم : معروضی سوالات

  • Student submitted the Quiz 16 minutes ago

    Quiz فرمان ر.سول : درس ہفتم : معروضی سو,الات was submitted by student Shazia

  • Instructor evaluated Quiz for student 16 minutes ago

    Student Shazia got 10 out of 10 in Quiz فرمان ر.سول : درس ہفتم : معروضی سو,الات

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